Our Story

The moment

The first time you use an electric lighter, you might have the same reaction we did,

“Holy moly, why isn’t everyone using these?”

As we dug deeper into the lighter industry, we found that it’s enormous, and enormously terrible for people and the environment.

That’s when the USB LIGHTER CO. was born.

We focus on beautifully-designed products that contribute as little as possible to landfills, oceans, and pollution in general.

We’ve already kept over 60 million disposable, plastic, butane-filled lighters out of the ecosystem, and we’re just getting started.

Our beautifully designed lighters have gained some attention from Oprah, appearing on her Favorite Things list, CNN, Good Morning America, and even at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA Design Store).

Once you’ve tried one of our lighters, we think you'll also say, “Why isn’t everyone using these?”

 - Calvin Chan, Founder + CEO